Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Inside the Earth

 We started off the day making a cut and stick model of the layers inside the earth from http://www.superteachingworksheets.com/ ... which was a bit advanced but it was a good chance to practise some scissor skills.
It also led on quite nicely to watching some videos of volcanoes on

We got hands on for a literacy session today, and played around with the 'ow' sound. Good fun! I was super impressed to find that Lamb was able to start reading these simple words with relative ease.
Lamb isn't ready to put sounds together just yet, but he's getting very confident now with all the phonics sounds and the blends he's learnt so far.

And here is Moo colouring in some dinosaur stentils he's been working on. How funny to hear the word 'stegosaurus' and 'diplodocus' coming out of a 3 year old! 

Lamb requested that we make cookies for todays cooking session (they taste pretty good)
and he then spent ages carefully copying out the ingredient list.
I can't believe how much his handwriting has progressed in this last year. He's now able to mostly write on a ruled line, with letters all of the correct size. It's a world away from this time last year.
I have forgotten the date, but it must be very close to almost a year that we've been at this home-education lark now!

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